Saturday, January 16, 2010


There's always one or two "celebrities" every year that refuse to go away. Over the past few years, it seems like there's been a plethora of them.
  • Paris Hilton - "Like Kansas, flat, white and easy to enter."
  • Heidi Pratt - "Someone with no talent but who is so totally full of themselves they don't know that everyone's laughing at them, not with them."
  • Tiffany Pollard (New York) - "Both Tiffany and her mother Michelle have both shown traits of fronting a FAKE PERSONA in order to become and stay famous.....Tiffany's Ebonics will disappear from time to time. Replaced with a very Proper English way of speaking. This comes from the fact that she was raised in (Utica, New York); As opposed to a poor ghetto. Which is something Tiffany never eludes to."
I got these definitions from, which means that they're all written n voted to the top of the page by everyday people online like you and me---not their famous friends that think they're so great. I find them disgusting. Every one of them humiliates themselves and goes out of their way to stay famous. DUI's, plastic surgery, and all.

This week Heidi Montag has come out to say that she's just had TEN surgeries done! By the way, this is her second set of procedures. The first time through it was a breast augmentation and a nose job. She wasn't ugly or anything before, jsut obviously insecure. Now I can honestly say that she's a fake. Not famous for anything talent related, over the top about everything, hair extensions, fake body parts....I mean come on, is there anything authentic about this girl anymore? She's sold herself for attention. I hope that she goes to therapy or gets some help before she turns into Joan Rivers.
heidi montag,plastic surgery
The Huffington Post summed up her surgeries: "She had her breast implants increased to DDDs, a brow lift, a nose job revision, lipo on her stomach and thighs and a butt augmentation, among other things." I take pride in being natural, and I think that it shows character. But some people get plastic surgery to feel better about themselves. My mom did last year because she's had two kids, this is warrented. But a 23 year old woman with no kids and a career based on the media?? Why!

Sadly this is what she said about her surgeries, "I was made fun of when I was younger, and so I had insecurities, especially after I moved to L.A. People said I had a "Jay Leno chin"; they'd circle it on blogs and say nasty things. It bothered me. And when I watched myself on The Hills, my ears would be sticking out likle Dumbo! I just wanted to feel more confident and look in the mirror and be like, "Whoa! That's me!" I was an ugly duckling before."

What in the hell?!

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