Friday, September 27, 2013

15 Before 25

I recently came across WarriorQueen's (@beawarriorqueen) list of things she wants to do before turning 25 this year. She called it "25 before 25." Seems to be a great idea for setting goals and actually acheiving them. A few days later, I've got a list going too! It's practically a short-term bucket list for my year. An easy set up if you lean towards OCD at all. There are plenty of things that I feel I should have already done by this point in my life. Time slips by faster than it used to so why not try to cross a few items off your list on your way? Of course not everyone has the same number of things they want to do or can make into a manageable goal. Therefore my list is a "15 Before 25."

1. Go to a hockey game.
Because I've never been to one before. So why the hell not?

2. Run three 5k events.
I despise running but I know it's good for me. Why not try and make it fun by doing themed events. I've already registered for the BubbleRun 5k in October and the ColorMeRAD 5k at the beginning of November. That will put me at two out of three before 2014 arrives! Can't turn down 6 foot bubble walls and color powder explosions.

3. Take the dogs on a run once every other week.
My dogs are impossible to walk on a leash(s). They spaz, jump, and drag everyone down the street. I have managed to take them on runs, separately of course, but not on a regular basis. It would be good for them to get some time outside WITHOUT each other. Unfortunately they're extremely codependent and shouldn't be. I aim for every other week because I'm not always going to have time every single week. Sometimes the weather intervenes, or school work is higher on the priority list.

4. Read 3 classic novels.
There's a lot of novels that I've put off reading for a long time. Stories that come up time and time again in modern media. Yes, I've read The Great Gatsby and some Shakespeare....but I've never read Dracula or Treasure Island. "What?!" Oops. I've probably read 30 different vampire novels but not Dracula. How rude of me!

5.Watch Breaking Bad.
The series is about to end which means--easy binge watching! Everyone and their cousin has been telling me how great it is and how I need to watch it all year. "Eventually," I say. Might as well make it happen. Note: Shut up Whovians, the Doctor is on my watch list too.

6. Go to the San Diego Wild Animal Park.
We haven't made it a point to go see the lions-tigers-and-bears (oh my) in a few years. Maybe the tigers will be awake this time.

7. Go on a wine tasting trip.
Evan and I were gifted a northern California wine trip by his parents after he graduated college. This was about a year and a half ago. Two summers have passed and we have yet to venture to look through travel sites or set aside a weekend. We're pretty terrible at planning vacations together. The cost isn't even an issue since it's a gift. This needs to happen. I know I'll get wino wasted but it's a necessary evil.

8. Go kayaking in any body of water.
I have not gone kayaking since the 9th grade when I went to church camp at Hume Lake. Why haven't I done it again? Alas life has gotten in the way.

9. Maintain a yoga schedule.
Since recovering from my accident last October, I've been particularly focused on having good upper body strength. I was so limited for nearly 3 months that getting to the point of lifting a flimsy 5lb weights over my head was a big accomplishment. Hell, washing my own hair was like climbing Everest. Since then I've been gradually adding to my goals. This past August, I returned to yoga classes after far too long. It's actually helped a lot with the random lightning pains in my weak side. You don't realize how one broken bone can screw you over until it happens. With pain subsiding, I feel myself getting stronger. This goal isn't just for recovery though, I also consider it a good way to relieve stress. I'm entering my first year of graduate school and I understand that some of us may get tired or overwhelmed. I need this as a vent. Vents keep the pressure from causing disaster. PLUS it makes my abs feel awesome.

10. Go on a roller coaster that scares me.
I'm afraid of big roller coasters. I'm not sure whether it's because I think that I might puke up my lunch or if it's that Final Destination scene stuck in head. A little of both. The only way to get over a fear is to kick it's ass. A trip to Knott's Berry Farm is overdue.

11. New York.
I vividly remember saying, "I would hate New York." HA what a fool I was for thinking such a thing. Sure I wouldn't ever want to live there during winter but it's a hell of a place to visit from time to time. I've visited during the heat of May and the chill of mid-March. Each trip was different and fun in its own way. The first time was rightfully tourist location focused, and the next trip was a glimpse into simply living and existing in Manhattan. It's not Sex & the City glamorous but I did enjoy myself. Wandering bookstores and meandering through odd shops with distinct personalities. There's something wonderful about walking down the street and knowing that nobody gives a shit about what you're doing or wearing. So anti-Orange County. It's invigorating. The anonymity of city life is a welcomed break from the overbearing plastic people at home. Screw you South Coast Plaza cronies! Dear Harlem, expect me in the early summer of 2014.

12. Stay in on Black Friday and decorate the Christmas tree.
This is a mother-daughter tradition that has been interrupted for the past 2 holiday seasons because I had been working in retail hell. Remember those department stores deciding to open at midnight after Thanksgiving? Yea, that was me. Awake after a turkey dinner knowing that it was coffee time because customers are going to storm the gates at midnight for the door-bustiest deals around. This is a scene to behold for anyone interested in the collapse of humanity. This year I am free to do as I please. And that means I'll be at home putting a fake tree together with mom, blasting "Let It Snow" by Boyz II Men. There will be some Manheim Steamroller in there too.

13. Pay off some of my student loan debt.
I thank God that my parents were kind enough to finance my butt through community college but once I entered Cal State be free, good luck! So I've got myself a money pit that I am legally bound to fill now that I have my bachelor's degree on the wall. And being that I'm continuing to dig myself deeper via grad school, I need to start paying my loans down. I believe I currently owe about...oh say, the cost of a Ford Fiesta. Not an exorbitant amount like some students in private schools but debt nonetheless. Being a responsible adult about it is the best course of action.

14. Straight A's.
I may only be taking 2 classes per semester but this doesn't make getting fantastic grades any less work. I've gotten straight A's a few times but knowing that I did it in grad school means a lot more to me. There will be more reading, bigger papers, and possibly more thinking headache burnouts. Let's do this!

15. Try new things (Food, hobbies, activities).
I'm the queen of "no thank you maybe next time." There's not really any reason for it outside of my own stubbornness. So this year I want to try to say, "screw it, ok let's go!" instead of overthinking everything. I'll go with the age old "you'll never know til you try it." Note: this doesn't make me a Yes-man, I do need to stick to my studies enough to pull out some A's after all.

I aim to be tracking these goals via blog, Instagram, &/or Twitter as I go. If you have any suggestions be sure to comment.