Tuesday, October 22, 2013


I hate this frustrating feeling. It's so stupid to stress out so much. Stress is not something found in my natural habitat. It seems like I've managed to successfully avoid it for 90% of my life.

It only strikes me in the form of self-doubt. In this case, it's been triggered by one simple assignment. Write a scholarly review essay that considers a number of articles &/or book, write about the "state of the field." But it's not simple when you've been wired to think and write in traditional research essay form. As I look for sources I find myself wandering through it all and changing my topic ever so slightly. Then suddenly it's a completely new topic. Hello? Brain? Stop undermining me when I'm trying to be productive!

Why is picking a field and narrowing it so difficult? T_T *bangs head against wall*

Part of me is pissed off that this isn't clicking in my head, and the other half asks why I'm even in grad school. Thanks self-doubt, you're a bitch.

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