Finally! The weather has stopped spazzing out for once and chosen to be winter. It rarely rains in Southern California to begin with, so we need it pretty bad. There's always someone saying that "we're in a drought", but we live in a natural desert. Sorry if your lawn isn't perfectly green all the time. Here's the forecast for the rest of the week (sadly this is harsh weather for us, we're wimps)
Personally, I like watching and listening to the rain. But if I have to go out into it, I hate it. The whole wet and cold thing---not so into it. But hey, it's better than living somewhere with 3 feet of snow or a hurricane on the way. I'll try and be happy with the minimal sprinkles here that we call the "pouring rain". In fact, I'm pretty sure that our rain is nothing compared to other places in the world. Sure it's supposed to rain for the next whole week, but in some places it rains everyday. Rocksie looks confused. "
Hey why is water falling from the sky? " If she has to go outside to go to the bathroom, then I'll plastic wrap her like always. Golden retrievers + rain = very stinky...then the whole house stinks.
Random thought, I've never been kissed in the rain---probably because me and my boyfriend don't like standing in the rain---maybe I'll give that a try while it's pouring this week. We might even make a Disneyland trip while all the lame tourists are hiding in their hotels haha.