Wednesday, April 20, 2011


No, not like 'street cred'---credentials. I've toyed with the idea of getting teaching credentials. It's difficult to narrow down my future job to anything specific. Yes, I enjoy my major right now n its academically satisfying. Learning things of my interest is easier to write about, discuss, etc. I'd love to get a job that uses it but I'm not sure what to do with it.
Should I decide to go after teaching credentials? I still haven't nailed that one down yet. It's an ok option but I do take issue with a few aspects of the teaching profession. For one, it'd require more time and money invested in school. The pay would't be 'good' til I were to reach the university level, unless I were to work at a private school and publish from time to time. Especially now it's a hard to imagine becoming a teacher with the economic climate and the shape of our edecational system.
If life were easy, there would be an easy answer for 'what do you want to do after college?'

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