I hate women. Better yet I hate girls. The difference may seem difficult to see sometimes but when issues between friends and lovers come up, it becomes clear who the little girls are. I'm sure you've had some experience with this.
You know, one girl has a problem with another girl friend because they don't always get along. One is an idiot or a bitch in the other's opinion. Same old story. Maybe this year I'll make a resolution to keep the hell out of these things. I'm so tired of it. I hear about it all the time and sadly it never changes. Perhaps its the people I know, I'm not sure.
I'm almost 21 years old for godsake. This got me thinking....if I'm friends with someone I will no longer participate in their childish drama. I think immaturity is a big problem right now, not just for me but alot of people I know. Its like they don't realize what they're doing or don't recognize their trivial ways. If it irritates me, then my stupidity (whenever that may happen) must bother some else too. That makes sense right?
I try to be mature about most things, though I am a kid inside--I value that part of myself, but I want the good kid to come out and NOT just the kid who wants to take her friends crayons because she sucks at drawing haha. Everyone has that inside, a good and bad side. Its a matter of letting the good out to play, and keeping the bad in its place.
I like being respected as a person. As a girl, as someone's friend. Don't we all? I hope more people will think about this as we get into our New Years resolutions this next week. Not giving a shit about other people is wrong (not caring what they think is a whole different thing), treat others as you wish to be treated. Its a saying old as time, yet many people completely ignore it.
So to all of you who don't get along: what's the problem? Is it worth not being friend over? Or torturing each other for? Are you just taking crap out on them for no reason? Did they pee in your Wheaties?
Seriously, think about it. If I don't like a girl for a legit reason and you're my friend, it doesn't mean you can't be friends with her. I see this with guys alot. They can be friends with any other guy no matter the problem. They don't make up stupid rumors or create drama because Bob is friends with Joe, and Joe hates Bob's best friend. But when this exact situation happens between a group of girls, it becomes chaotic! "I hate Ashley because Suzy does" or "Mary likes Bob and I do too, so I hate Mary" >.< I know females are territorial but come on. We can't get territorial over our friends like this anymore, its childish. We're not in 3rd grade anymore!
This has been my frustration for years. I at one point completely hung out with boys just to avoid girls' dramatic shit hole also known as friendship. Of course I kept one or two close girl friends but they weren't attached at the hip or anything. I don't like the super clingy girl friend relationships, it never ends up going very well. Guys are just easier to deal with in my opinion. No over-analyzing, no bullshit. They say it all to your face.
To put this all shortly err sum it all up. I'm tired of all this shit going between my friends. You don't like me because I'm friends with your coworker that you don't like? I don't even know why you don't like her. Wtf? Get over yourselves and fucking grow up. The end. Is that so much to ask? Nope.
Merry Christmas :] lol.