Thursday, October 15, 2009

I'm Not Crying, It's From My Eye Drops!

I was reading through a few of my old blogs via MySpace. I vividly remember writing out the blog from "April 15th 2008" in fact. My subject? Pink eye.

I'm not sure why but I'm prone to basically the same 5 recurring sicknesses throughout the year. Sinus infections, pharyngitis (it's the same as laryngitis but on the opposite side of your throat fyi), UTI's, pink eye, and ear infections. I suppose I'm lucky enough to avoid getting illnesses like the flu but still, these ones are pretty annoying if you ask me.

My dog just fact. How adorable. We had pizza for dinner.

But anyways, my rotating illnesses suck. Especially the pink eye, I'd say its one of the most irritating things you can have go wrong. Why?

Pink eye, aka "conjunctivitis" sucks because...

1. You have to throw away all your make-up so you don't re-infect yourself. Make-up isn't usually cheap (depending on your preference) and it sucks to throw your favorites colors of eye shadow away--because that's always the one you use right as you get pink eye.
2. No wearing make-up. I don't have a problem with wearing no make-up when I leave the house but some girls rather cut an arm off.
3. Blood-shot eyes. You look high ALL THE TIME! I met my friend Nura's church group for the first time and I got alot of weird looks because of my eyes. So awkward.
4. The "Don't Touch Me" effect. You can spread it to anyone just by touching them. Boyfriends hate pink eye, so does your mother. So get some hand sanitizer and sit a few feet away from everyone else.
5. "How did you get poo in your eye?" This is the most irritating part. Someone smarta** always has to bring up the fact that pink eye is caused by fecal matter getting into your eye. defines pink eye as: "When someone farts in your face, causing poop articles to enter the eye, making it go pink"
The eye drops--which nobody enjoys---can be painful if you've got a nasty case like I did. Here's what I thought at the time.
"I got my eyes numbed n the doctor put this stuff in that made my vision all tinted yellow. Yeaaa, this was bizarre since I had no idea what this guy was tryin to look for or do. Of coarse he pulls out a black light n starts screwing with my eyes by holding them open [which I couldn't feel at all]. He finally rinsed my eyes so it wasn't yellow anymore though still numb, told us that since it hadn't gone away with the first prescription we had to get new $70 prescription eye-drops that BURN WHEN YOU PUT THEM IN. Great, buddy. Thanks, not only do my eyes itch n can't focus very well, but you're telling me that every 4 hours I have to put drops in my eyes that will burn---awesome."
Wooo I was so excited for those burning drops. You could feel them working, so much so that it was like it was setting every germ and every memory of a previous germ on fire. I think that most girls freak out about getting pink eye because of the make-up issue. Alot of people rely on make-up to "make" themselve pretty, or give them confidence.
"I havent been able to wear any make-up whatsoever since I got pink-eye. Luckily, I don't look like a completely different person without make-up like some people do....I hate it when girls think they have to wear make-up allllll the time. It's stupid n bad for your skin anyways. LOL it's hilarious when they go to the beach n freak out cuz it's running or it smeared or came off. I mean come on, dumbasses. If your face is a different color than your neck, there's something wrong haha. I've heard the name "cake face" used by alot of guys to describe some girls. Yay for not being one of those lol. I like knowing that my boyfriend thinks I'm pretty even without make-up on."
I love the fact that I have a boyfriend who still finds me attractive when I have a clean face. He likes when I have it on obviously but its not like I'm suddenly a hideous alien if I wipe it off. I don't need to "put on my face" every morning.

Well that's all for now. Perhaps I'll write again in a few days :] I better get off to bed so I can avoid the swine flu haha---yeaaaa right. Goodnight world, I hope you all are well.


  1. oh em geee i hate pink eye!! and when i scratched my eye with my contacts when i was a freshman they put the tint stuff and the numbing stuff but when they washed out the tint stuff the numbing stuff came out too and my freaking eye hurt 20x worse than it did before (Which was really bad since we had to go to the ER!!)

    also, there's this girl at my work who puts a lot of orange makeup on her face AND neck. so the back of her neck is normal and i'm like ....?!

  2. Ewww cake face girls are gross! It not only looks bad (I've heard guys complain about it alot---being natural is more impressive) but it's awful for your skin!
